Thursday, July 8, 2021

Ohio Division of Liquor Control (OHLQ) Announces Seven Barrels of Yellowstone Select Single Barrel (9741B)

The Ohio Division of Liquor Control (OHLQ) has announced the availability of seven (7) barrels worth of Yellowstone Select Single Barrel (9741B) bottles exclusive to Ohio beginning this week. 

Unlike previous releases, the State is not announcing the locations where this will be available ahead of time... presumably to avoid gatherings and crowds due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In order to track down a bottle, you'll need to head to the OHLQ Product Locator and see if any stores in your area were allocated any bottles. 

It is listed as YELLOWSTONE SELECT SINGLE BARREL SELECTION. It's bottled at 93% proof (46.5% alcohol) and comes in with a price of $44.99.

My Take

I will admit, I've never had Yellowstone and I am incredibly disappointed that it has nothing to do with the National Park. In my mind, I envisioned this being a Wyoming brand that uses pure Yellowstone water to create a unique bourbon... instead, it's a brand owned by liquor conglomerate Luxco. I've never heard anything (either good or bad) about Yellowstone as a brand so this isn't something I'm going to invest time or effort trying to track this down. However, if you are a Yellowstone fan, this may be a great opportunity for you. 

What do you think? Drop a note in the comments below. 

Source: OHLQ

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