Wednesday, December 22, 2021

ColumbusBourbon Year-in-Review and a new way to Connect!

First of all, let me send a sincere Thank You to all the readers. I started this site as a way to keep track of which bourbons I liked and why and it has grown into something that averages almost 18,000 page views per month! Crazy. 

A sincere Thank You from Mark and Baby Leo
(celebrating his 6th birthday)

As mentioned, this year averaged close to 18k views per month with a total around 225k for the year. This brings the All Time total to 495984 on 450 total posts! Again... absolutely bonkers. 

Top Articles of the Year
New Way to Connect

Since Google shut down their FollowByEmail widget in July, I haven't found a great way for people to get updates. I've been looking at some email services and possibly a newsletter that can summarize the posts... Hopefully there will be more to come on that in 2022. In the meantime, I've created a Facebook page where I'll post articles. Feel free to give it a follow and/or tell a friend. 

My Favorite Pages/Posts

I mentioned the top posts of the year by views above... below are my five favorite posts of the year. 
  1. Let's Have An Honest Talk About These OHLQ Lotteries - A deep dive into the OHLQ lotteries
  2. Bourbon Review Scores - A list of every bourbon I've reviewed so far
  3. The Q&A series - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
  4. Are Barrel Picks a Waste of Time? - Spoiler... most of the time... Yes
  5. Lynxx Bourbon Introduces Bourbon For Women - Sadly... not satire
Thank you to everyone for following and I hope you have a wonderful Holiday season!

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